COP28 : 28e Conférence des Parties sur les changements climatiques

Date Du 30 novembre 2023 au 13 décembre 2023
English version 28
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Hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the 28th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP28) is being held in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023. The Conference marks a crucial point in climate negotiations as it must lay down the first global assessment of the commitments (Global Stocktake) made by states in Paris in 2015 during COP21.
Structure of COP28
The COP28 comprises a section for heads of state and government at the start of the conference, on 1 and 2 December, with the following days organised by topic (energy, nature, transportation, oceans, cities, and so on) from 3 to 10 December. The last two days of the conference are entirely devoted to final negotiations.
The UAE Presidency intends to make this the largest COP since Paris with 100,000 participants expected, more than doubling COP27 numbers.
First Global Stocktake
Eight years after the signing of the Paris Agreement on climate change, COP28 is set to conclude the work on the first global assessment of the commitments made by states (officially entitled "Global Stocktake"). The aim is to draw lessons from the results achieved to set a new course for countries' climate action and make it possible to limit the temperature rise to 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels.
Progress is also expected on the following issues:
- energy transition: accelerating the phase-out of fossil fuels and adopting global targets for the deployment of non-fossil energy sources and energy efficiency,
- climate change adaptation: defining robust and rapid actions to address the multiplication of extreme climate events,
- climate finance: increasing support for developing countries and advancing the redirection of financial flows,
- loss and damage: implement the agreement reached at COP27 to finance loss and damage suffered by vulnerable countries hard hit by climate disasters.
Events on climate action organized by France
The French delegation will be present during the two weeks of the COP28 held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). In addition to participating in climate negotiations, the delegation is running a France Pavilion throughout the international event, from 30 November to 12 December 2023. A venue for meetings and discussions on major climate issues, the Pavilion aims to host a wide range of events such as discussions on various topics, presentation of public policies, press meetings, etc.
The French Pavilion Events
The timetables provided are expressed in local time (Dubai: GMT+3h).
Programme dated 30 November, refer to the programme on the France Pavilion for the latest updates.
The French Pavilion Programme
Operating early warning Earth-Observations based systems: from Methane emissions to natural disasters
With: Kayrros and the French National Space Agency (CNES), representing the Space for Climate Observatory
13:30-14:15 Event only in English
Enhancing climate action through building synergies with the international human rights framework
With: Amnesty International
Frugal and affordable solutions for sustainable cities and clean mobility
With: Gustave Eiffel University and VALEO Group
A French International Initiative to fight toxic impacts of sargassum
With: The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the French Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Territories
Mobilizing and financing adaptation to climate change: dialogue between donors, businesses and basins
With: Entreprises pour l'Environnement (Businesses for the Environment) and AFD (Agence française de développement) and the International Office for Water
Protecting People and Planet Through a Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Lens - from Dubai (COP 28) to Abu Dhabi (2026)
One Ocean Science conference (Nice, France, 5-7 June 2025)
With: The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and IFREMER (Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer)
13:30-14:15 Event only in English
The Institut Pasteur, a key player in tomorrow's biomedical research
With: Institut Pasteur
Community engagement and climate-smart health products: a new frontline for one healthier planet
With: PREZODE and Unitaid
Coping with global warming and reducing the risk of a warming climate
With: Climate Overshoot Commission and the Task Force on Carbon Pricing in Europe
Financing the transition: how to use public finance smartly, increase the role of international finance institutions and the performance of multilateral climate funds
With: Green Climate Fund - Independent Evaluation Unit and the Institute for Climate Economics
How to implement the financial sector's Net Zero commitments to reach carbon neutrality in 2050
With: The Paris Sustainable Finance Institute (IFD) and the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME)
13:30-14:15 Event only in English
Mixing local knowledge, technologies and science to bring innovative solutions for climate change and biodiversity (…)
With: RISE - Our World Heritage
Risk Finance for Climate Change Vulnerable Communities - Needs, Gaps & Existing Supplies
With: The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism and African Risk Capacity
Financing Energy Transition of the Global South
With: The French Renewable Energy Trade Association (SER), IEA and OPSWF
The transition of the electricity sector, accelerator of the decarbonization of the economy
With: EDF (Électricité de France) and the World Benchmarking Alliance
French companies respond to the challenge of a carbon-neutral and competitive economy: multi-sector value chains, from local implementation to international influence
With: MEDEF (the French Business Confederation) International and Engie
13:30-14:15 Event only in English
Sustainable Fashion for climate – Paris 2024. Fashion, sport and recycling
With: Universal Love
First Global Forum on Buildings and Climate, and launch of the buildings breakthrough: a new impetus for international cooperation
With: GlobalABC, Energies 2050, IFPEB and the French Ministry of Ecological Transition
Decarbonizing supply chains and embracing circularity : engaging public and private stakeholder
With: United Nations Global Compact France, Schneider Electric and the French Solid Waste Partnership
Building a climate-friendly and resilient future for a sustainable construction in the Mediterranean region and West Africa: Mobilizing local construction value chain for decarbonization of buildings
With: AFD (Agence française de développement) / GIZ / ADEME (The French Agency for Ecological Transition): Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB), CEREMA (Centre for Studies on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning) and FFEM (the French Facility for Global Environment).
Financing sustainable infrastructures adapted to climate change: governance and labeling solutions
With: CDRI and Fast Infra Group
13:30-14:15 Event only in English
The Power of Art to Respond to the Climate Crisis
With: Art of Change 21 and France Muséums
What international cooperation and national processes to ratchet up ambition by 2025? - Lessons learned in France and beyond
With: CIRED (Centre international de recherche sur l'environnement et le développement), IDDRI and the French High Council on Climate (HCC)
How to Accelerate Mobility Decarbonation? Solutions, Financing, Cooperation
With: RATP Group (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) and the Energies Coalition for Transport and Logistics
Soil Health : the champion to sustain inclusive development
With: The International "4 per 1000" initiative and the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
Urban solutions to the climate crisis
With: Bpifrance, Business France, CCI France UAE (Chamber of Commerce and Industry France UAE) and FNAU (the French Network of Urban Planning Agencies) - MTPA
13:30-14:15 Event only in English
Experience sharing from raising awareness on climate change among 1 million people
With: UAE Climate Fresk Community - workshop
Trained and united, what are France's young people proposing for the international negotiations at COP28?
With: Youth Ambassadors for the Environment, the UN Youth Delegate Program and CliMates
Forests, vital reserves for humanity: ensuring their protection and inclusive management, as well as access to innovative financing
With: The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Conservation International and WECF
Anticipating, adapting and mitigating the risks induced by climate change: initiatives and funding to act at scale
With: Meteo France, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and AFD (Agence française de développement)
Nature-based solutions and biochar production: How to adapt and mitigate climate change
With: SUEZ and the IUCN French Committee
13:30-14:15 Event only in English
Pathways to Sustainability: Post-Paris Summit Discussions on Responsible Finance
With: Paris Peace Forum
Achieving a garbage-free future: fighting against marine plastic pollution through action from a local to global scale
With: The French Agency for Ecological Transition, OMEC (Organisation méditerranéenne de l’énergie et du climat) and the SeaCleaners
Scaling up ambition on ocean-climate solutions: Blue Carbon and Beyond
With: IPBC (International Partnership on Blue Carbon) and Ocean Visions
Tackling the triple crisis: How sustainable agriculture can deliver on climate, biodiversity, and sustainable development
With: The Agroecology Coalition, the Global Alliance for the Future of Food (GAFF), One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
How nuclear can accelerate the decarbonization of the energy mix
With: SFEN (the French Society for Nuclear Energy), AIEA, OCDE-AEN and Nuclear Europe
Advancing water security through global energy footprint analysis and transnational cooperation in the MENA region
With: French Water Partnership and EcoPeace Middle East
Together, stronger for 30x30! French expertise on protected areas to enrich practices across the world through peer-to-peer exchanges
With: NatureXpairs (The French hub for protected areas and people) and HAC N&P