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Published at December, 06 2022

Updated on February, 04 2025

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

Aerial work with a foreign-registered aircraft

  • Opérations aériennes

Aerial work operations excluded from the scope of European regulations (exclusion criteria listed below) and carried out in France with foreign-registered aircraft are subject to obtaining a certificate of complete file or a special and temporary authorisation.

In accordance with article L6211-1 of the Transport Code and circular no. 2005-15 of 9 February 2005, the operator must obtain: 

  • a certificate of complete file, to carry out aerial work operations with aircraft registered in a ‘Community or assimilated’ State (States of the European Union or Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland) or,
  • a special temporary authorisation to carry out aerial work operations with aircraft registered in a ‘non-Community or assimilated’ State

Exclusion criteria of the European regulation

In order for aerial work operations to be excluded from EU regulations, one of the following three criteria must be met:

  • either the aircraft corresponds to one of the aircraft mentioned in Annex I of the basic Regulation (EU) No 2018/1139,
  • the activity is listed in Article 2(3)(a) of the above-mentioned basic Regulation or in Article 6(3) of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 ("AirOPS"), or
  • the operator's principal place of business is in a non-EASA Member State.

Operational rules for these operations

The operational rules applicable to these aerial work operations in France and the documents to be obtained to carry out these operations differ depending on the registration of the aircraft and the operator's principal place of business. The table below sets out the different cases and their requirements:

CaseRegistration of the aircraftOperatorOperational rulesCertificate / Authorisation
AIEU or assimilated and excluded from European regulationsBased in FranceArrêté du 24 juillet 1991 relatif aux conditions d'utilisation des aéronefs civils en aviation généraleCertificate of complete file
AIIEU or assimilated and excluded from European regulationsEASA Member State operatorOperator's country regulationCertificate of complete file
AIIIEU or assimilatedNon-EASA Member State operatorArrêté du 24 juillet 1991 relatif aux conditions d'utilisation des aéronefs civils en aviation généraleCertificate of complete file
BINon EU or assimilated and excluded from European regulationsBased in France
Arrêté du 24 juillet 1991
relatif aux conditions d'utilisation des aéronefs civils en aviation générale
Special and temporary authorisation
BIINon EU or assimilated and excluded from European regulationsEASA Member State operatorOperator's country regulationSpecial and temporary authorisation
BIIINon EU or assimilatedNon-EASA Member State operatorArrêté du 24 juillet 1991
relatif aux conditions d'utilisation des aéronefs civils en aviation générale
Special and temporary authorisation

Application for authorisation

The application for the certificate or authorisation required for these operations must be made at least 30 days before the desired start of the operations by the operator using the form available online.

The first part of the form is used to determine the type of operation envisaged and the second part is used to submit the application with the associated supporting documents. The list of documents to be provided for each case is available in the following document:  

The application is then processed and exchanges between the authority and the operator take place via the METEOR interface. To use this platform, the operator must create a personal account, which may be set up by the authority on the basis of the e-mail address entered on the form.

Depending on your situation, you may need the following documents to submit your application :

See as well