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Published at March, 12 2018

Estimated read time: 4 minutes

Figari's essentials for ATM

  • Navigation aérienne


Traffic and airlines

Compagnies aériennes stationnant à l'aéroport de Figari
DGAC - Tous droits réservés
 IFR trafficPaxATC delays
20149 659 flts504 4973 469 minutes
201510 197 flts586 0428 057 minutes / +132% vs 2014
201610 507 flts639 9166 979 minutes / -13% vs 2015
201710 753 flts730 707 

Meeting Figari air traffic service manager

First, the current geopolitical context tends to explain most of the current shifts in touristic traffic flows towards safer destinations. But overall, it is the exceptional environment of southern Corsica and its outstanding beaches and weather that drives more and more tourists from all other the world to its gateway: Figari Sud Corse airport.

Figari faces a high seasonality traffic trend between May and October with the highest peaks during the July and August week-ends and mid-week periods (Wednesdays and Thursdays being also relatively busy). In average, traffic grows from 50 commercial movements during the week to nearly the double during the week-end operated by a wide range of aircraft types, from Dornier to A321 or B737/800. Non-commercial aviation represents 36% of the IFR traffic during the high season.

As of June 18th 2018 and until September 02nd 2018, the Figari airport will be scheduled facilitated at times when the forecasted traffic demand exceeds the airport’s capacity.
In 2018, an executive committee was constituted to address these specific capacity issues and find mitigation solutions that will suit all involves parties. This committed will gather airlines operating to Figari, airport operators ‘representative (UAF), the airport operator of Figari and the local DSNA ATS.
Read more about schedules facilitation : Slot coordination and schedules facilitation

Disclaimer: The pieces of information provided are only indications and are not exhaustive. They cannot and should not replace legal aeronautical information contained in the AIP France (Aeronautical Information Publication), AIP supp, AIC (Aeronautical Information Circular) and NOTAM.

Clearance delivery

The Ajaccio approach and the Figari control tower manage together arrivals and departures sequences according to IFR / VFR traffic in Figari CTR and shall deliver departure clearances accordingly.


A small apron very close to the runway.

DGAC - Tous droits réservés

Push back operations are operational since April 2017.


  • All types of aircraft heavier than 35t need to backtrack the runway for take-off and use the turnaround areas.
  • No particular prevailing winds. Runway use divides in 60% for runway 23 and 40% for runway 05.
  • The runway throughput is of 8 arrivals per hour taking into account the time needed for turnaround at runway threshold for departure and the time to perform the approach from the Initial Approach Fixes (i.e. from 7 to 12 minutes)
  • Intensification of the VFR activity is to be expected from May until September. The circuit is south of the field.

Runway 23

Vue du ciel de la piste 23
DGAC - Tous droits réservés

Due to high terrain, when the wind strength is superior to 20kts, runway 23 finals can be particularly subject to windshear in the vicinity of the stone quarry.

With medium and strong wind, particularly from W-NW sector, strong to very strong turbulence is likely to be encountered in the vicinity of the AD. It is not recommended to start the approach runway 23 if the wind > 25G35 kt

Runway 23 ILS approach is out of the runway axis with a 1.6° off set. Localizer positioned right of threshold 05.

Runway 05

Vue du ciel de la piste 05
DGAC - Tous droits réservés

On final 05, aircrews’ awareness should particularly be raised on the proximity of Mont CALDARELLO (387ft), especially during night operations. If the obstacle lighting aids are unserviceable, approach for runway 05 cannot be in service.

REMEMBER that clearing of Mont CALDARELLO (387ft) is not covered by PAPI.


  • All runway ends are covered with conventional approaches and RNAV(GNSS) approaches with LNAV minima.
  • NO radar vectoring for sequencing are to be expected after the IAF. Aircraft are expected to fly the full approach procedure after the IAF in order to facilitate departure/arrival separations.
  • Omnidirectional departures with required minimum climb gradient for obstacle clearance purposes are to be published in Autumn 2017. They shall provide more flexibility for departure and ensure safety.