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Published at June, 07 2021

Updated on May, 03 2024

Estimated read time: 7 minutes

ULM – Manufacturers

  • Aéronefs

Procedures for applying to an identification fiche for a series-produced microlight (page under construction - for more details see the page in French)

News and points of attention

# 24 June 2019 - Revision of the ULM decree

Following the publication of the new European Basic Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, the French decree on ULMs has been revised to extend certain limits of mass and power.

ATTENTION : tous les formulaires ont été mis à jour : veiller à bien utiliser la dernière version des formulaires.

Application for an identification fiche

The application shall include :

1/ the identification fiche application form

2/ the description of the ULM

Note: the manufacturer can choose to use the services of a representative / subcontractor in order to assist him in the procedures concerning the ULM.

However, except in the case where this representative acts only as an intermediary between the French authorities and the ULM manufacturer but does not produce, adapt or sign any document in the name of the manufacturer, a mandate shall be provided, in which the manufacturer identifies the precise level of delegation to his representative, and acknowledges that he is accountable for the actions of the representative.

However the forms mentioned at above points 1/ and 2/ shall be signed by the manufacturer itself, who cannot delegate the authority to sign these forms to a representative.

3/ proof of compliance with the applicable technical conditions (structural resistance, flight test report, compliance with additional technical conditions, noise test report *)

* except for class 1

4/ the user and maintenance manuals, in French

5/ a weighing report * indicating any differences between the weighed configuration and the reference configuration

* except for class 1

6/ a proof of payment of the 100 € fee, made by telepayment on the website of the surveillance and certification fees or, using the form below, by another method of payment (see below)

You send these documents preferably by email to:


or failing that by post to:

Direction générale de l’Aviation civile
50, rue Henri Farman
75720 PARIS CEDEX 15

Identification of an individual ULM


Modification of the reference ULM


Manufacturer identification card




Series ULM identification fiche duplicata






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