
Date From October, 31 2021 to November, 13 2021

  • Events

English version

What is the COP26?

It is the 26th Conference of the Parties. Since 1995, this summit has brought together signatory States to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

In 2021, COP26 will be held in Glasgow (United Kingdom), from the 31st of October to the 12th of November, after having been postponed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 190 world leaders will be participating. Tens of thousands of government, regional and local representatives as well as non-state actors (business, investors, NGOs and more) will also be participating in these two weeks of negotiations.

The COP or Conference of the Parties
The Parties are the 197 signatory parties (196 States and the European Union) to the UNFCCC. These Parties gather together every year under the aegis of the United Nations. In 1988, it created the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a body for assessing science related to climate change.

Why is it decisive?

As per last report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (published in August 2021), the world is not on the right path to stay below 2°C or even 1.5°C of global warming compared to the pre-industrial era, which is a long-term goal of the Paris Agreement.

In order to reverse this trend, scientists have emphasised the need to divide the amount of global greenhouse gas emissions over the next ten years by two. From now until the COP26, countries will ance their new objectives concerning the redunnouction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Focus on the last report by the IPCC (August 2021, first part of the sixth assessment report)
This report is the result of the international collaboration of 250 scientists from more than 60 countries, and provides a summary of the current climate situation as well as new global and regional climate projections. The analysis is alarming. The rise in the global temperature has continued to increase at a speed that will most likely exceed the threshold of temperature rise since the pre-industrial era between 2021 and 2040.

What has happened since COP21?

On the 12th of December 2015, during COP21, the Paris Agreement was adopted. The Paris Agreement’s aim is to keep a global temperature below 2°C, and if possible 1..5°C, above pre-industrial levels. It is also the Paris Agreement that sets the targets that countries set for themselves to reduce their GHG emissions, i.e. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). In advance of COP21, each country had to present its plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Agreement includes an upward revision of these national contributions every five years.

In 2016, France and the European Union ratified the Agreement, which came into force on the 4th of November 2016. Since then, it has been ratified by 192 countries, with Turkey being the last country to ratify it in 2021.

In December 2018, the Katowice climate package, which was adopted during COP24 in Poland, implemented shared and detailed rules, modalities and procedures to execute the Paris Agreement.

In December 2020, the EU updated and enhanced its NDC of at least a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to 1990. It also committed to become climate neutral in 2050 from 2019.

What does COP26 need to achieve?

COP26 must address four major issues:

  1. Raising Climate Ambitions. States that have not yet committed themselves must pledge their new climate ambitions, by updating their nationally determined contributions and publishing long-term strategies for 2050,
  2. Finalise the Paris Rulebook for the Paris Agreement. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement contains mechanisms that allow countries to trade emission reductions in order to achieve their NDCs. A decision by the international community is needed to make these mechanisms operational,
  3. Mobilise Climate Finance. Developed countries have promised to mobilise 100 billion dollars in favour of developing countries for each year from 2020 to 2025. Nevertheless, there are issues remaining, such as differences of opinion persisting in relation to climate financing,
  4. Strengthen the Action Agenda. The Paris Agreement encourages States to work with non-state actors within ‘Action Agendas’, which bring together initiatives by major sectors of activity, such as the International Solar Alliance.

What is France doing at COP26?

France was the host country for COP21 in 2015, and in Glasgow, will continue to assert its role as a key player in the fight against climate change and as a guarantor of the spirit of the Paris Agreement. Together with the European Union, France is taking major action on several issues, including:

  • a transition that is fair and socially balanced,
  • financial commitments for the most at-risk countries,
  • support for innovation in the technological, scientific and economic fields,
  • accelerating adaptation to the impacts of climate change,
  • a carbon neutral trajectory, with France and the EU already on this path by 2050.

Protecting the climate and protecting biodiversity are two inseparable priorities
Climate and biodiversity emergencies are two sides of the same crisis, and the solutions to these emergencies must be mutually supportive. This is the message of the Marseille Manifesto, which summarises the pledges and declarations made at the IUCN World Conservation Congress (Marseille, 3–11 September 2021), because 1 million animal and plant species are currently under threat of extinction.

The French Pavilion Events

Live from the COP26

The French Pavilion Programme

The events are broadcasted local time (Glasgow).
Indicative programme dated November 9th, refer to the programme posted on the French Pavilion for the latest changes./em>


Preserving the environment by engaging collective and individual responsibilities: innovative, multi-actor and global solutions
Forum de Paris sur la Paix

COP26 Special Report on "Climate Change in Vietnam, impacts and adaptation
AFD IRD Vietnam

A Responsible Artificial Intelligence Strategy for the Environment (RAISE)

Mobilizing space solutions for climate action
CNES, Kayrros

Ocean of Solutions to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis
Ocean and Climate Plateform, OFB, Chili, Costa Rica, JNCC, NOAA

With H.E Barbara Pompili, Minister of Environment of France, H.E. Andrea Meza, Minister of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica, H.E. Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment of Chile, H.E. Andres Couves, Minister of Science of Chile, Mrs. Sue Biniaz, Deputy Special Envoy for Climate of the United States, and Mr. Peter Thomson, Special Envoy for the Ocean of the United Nations, as well as Mrs. Cynthia Barzuna.

In the presence of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Changing business from within: when leaders and employees connect to accelerate the environmental transition of companies
Les Collectifs

Proposal for an official joint OECD-France event on the International Climate Action Programme (IPAC)

Presentation of « Sustainability recovery tracker »

Sport and Climate: setting an example and mobilizing for the ClimateSport and Climate
Paris 2024

Impact Finance: how can financial actors contribute to and measure real impact?
2 Degrees Investing, Finance for Tomorrow, Observatoire de la finance durable, Amundi, Crédit Agricole

Just transition or how to make the transition acceptable 
Finance for Tomorrow

One Planet Summit Sequence :
14:30 – 15:05 : NGFS: achievements and ways forward
15:10 – 15:45 : Mobilizing private capital towards global sustainable infrastructure projects
15:50 – 16:30 : Blended finance for scaling up climate and nature investments
One Planet Summit

How do we combine the pursuit of universal access to modern energy with the fight against global warming? 
Electriciens sans frontières, IEA, Club ER, Schneider Electric, EDF

Unlocking solar energy deployment at scale: the Sustainable Renewables Risk Mitigation Initiative 
International Solar Alliance, World Bank,  ESMAP,  IRENA, SE4ALL, AFD

The contribution of nuclear innovations to strengthen complementarities with renewable energies and meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement (tbc)


Early Warning and Climate Action (tbc)

Decarbonizing territories : construction of the French Hydrogen industry 
Engie, GRTGaz & Lhyfe

How does climate education underpin the public’s sense of social responsibility? 
CliMates, La Fresque du Climat, RESES

Climate change education: why and how to make it accessible to all?
RESES, Pikpik Environnement, Office for Climate Education

Climate and biodiversity, same fight!
Comité français de l'UICN

Knowledge and data sharing to strengthen climate change adaptation in water resources management

Artists committed to climate and the environment: the new actors of environmental mobilization
Art of Change 21

10:00 -11:30
Increasing Ambition for Carbon Neutrality – How to Ensure Environmental Integrity in the Land sector? 

12:30 -14:00
30x30: Opportunties for global action on climate
HAC Biodiversité

What strategies to fight against climate change and deforestation to face the point of no return in the Amazon?
Conservation International,  COICA

Preserving Biodiversity Can Help Mitigate Climate Change

2nd WEEK

What participatory mechanisms to accelerate the decision and implementation of strategies and projects for adaptation to climate change locally?
Régions de France, Comité 21

Private Sector Net Zero Goal: How can companies contribute to achieving global carbon neutrality, and report on their strategies? (tbc) 
ADEME, Carbone4

Climate change, migration and health: interconnected challenges for the 21st century
OMS, OIM et Lancet Migration

Solar Impulse efficient solutions could shift the energy transition by empowering citizens
Solar Impulse
With the participation of Bertrand Piccard

Climate and Biodiversity - acting with gender justice in mind
WECF, 4D, Climate Chance, FUNDAECO2, CFLEDD

French ruminant breeding committed to meeting climate, food and societal challenges (tbc)

Let’s improve soil health so as to fight against climate change, biodiversity erosion and food insecurity!
Ministry of Agriculture and the « 4 per 1000 » Initiative

Migration and Displacement in the Age of Climate Crisis: Policy and Operational Challenges and Strategies at the Global Level and in West Africa and the Sahel
African risk Capacity & HCR & OIM

12:00- 13:15
Major French cities and metropolises on all fronts of the ecological transition (tbc)
France Urbaine

The Flying Whales cargo airship: entering the age of lightness
Flying Whales, Air Liquide

Towards zero emission transport - taking stock of progress
IDDRI, SNCF & Alstom

Cooling: concrete options to raise ambition and action - The case of cities
Ministère de la Transition Ecologique, ADEME, AFD

Building sector decarbonisation 5 years after COP21 : what keys for succes? what’s next?
Resallience on Behalf of the GlobalABC adaptation WG, OID, ADEME, CDRI, Race to resilience, FIDIC, L’Alliance HQE-GBC & Deepki