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Published at December, 12 2023

Updated on November, 25 2024

Forest fires and wildfires

  • Better risk prevention and awareness

Un feu de forêt intense consume des arbres, avec des flammes hautes
Bastien Guerche/Sécurité civile

Let us behave responsibly in order to avoid, and protect ourselves from, forest and vegetation fires.

Understanding forest fires and wildfires in France

9 out of 10 fires are caused by humans, through negligence in fifty per cent of cases. To prevent them, we must all behave responsibly. 
With 16.9 million hectares of forest on the mainland, France ranks fourth among European countries with the most woodland. The extent of its wooded areas makes France vulnerable to the risk of forest fires, especially during the summer period.
When the vegetation is very dry due to lack of rain, a fire may start and then spread very quickly. An unextinguished cigarette end, a still smouldering barbecue or a spark generated by DIY tools or fireworks can start a fire in the grass and undergrowth. The fire quickly gains in intensity.

The effects of climate change

Climate change is causing droughts and heatwaves to increase in both frequency and intensity in France.
With climate change, the evolution of the risk of forest fires is of great concern and should result in a spatial and temporal extension of the risk, as well as an intensification of this risk, particularly in the South East of France. 

Let’s have the right habits to prevent forest fires

What to do in the event of a fire starting?

Raise the alert

If you notice a fire starting, raise the alert by dialling 112, 18 or 114 (for the hard of hearing), and try to locate the fire with precision.

Protecting yourself

Take shelter in a cleared property while waiting for the emergency services to intervene. The car is not a safe place as it could burn.

Stay informed

Keep up-to-date with the situation and observe any instructions given by the emergency services or the local council.

How to avoid starting a fire?

Fires caused by barbecues

Organise your barbecues at home, on a patio and well away from vegetation, which may catch alight.

Cigarette ends

Use an ash tray to dispose of cigarette ends. Do not smoke in the forest.

Sparks from work tools

DIY work should be carried out away from lawns and dry grass, and you should have a fire extinguisher at hand, just in case.

How to protect your home in the event of fire?


Take your garden hose indoors before the fire reaches you. You may need it to extinguish the embers once the fire has passed.


Block air vents and cover the gaps under doors to prevent toxic smoke and sparks from entering your home.

Damp cloth

Cover your nose and mouth with a damp cloth to protect yourself from the smoke.

How to protect your home in anticipation?


Any inflammable substances or materials (wood, gas cylinders) should be stored in a closed shelter at a distance from your home.

Clear vegetation around your home

Before the summer, clear the area around your home, cutting vegetation short and trimming trees so that they don’t touch one another. The aim is to prevent the fire from reaching your house. These measures are mandatory in identified fire-risk areas.


If you live in an area covered by a forest fire risk prevention plan, equip your house with appropriate safety features (shutters, gutters, roofing, ventilation, etc.).

As mayor, I’d like to know more about vegetation clearing obligations

•    Consult the page intended for Elected Representatives (only in French)
•    Consult frequently asked questions (only in French)

Government action

In the wake of summer 2022, when the forests of France suffered devastation on a historic scale, the French President announced, in October 2022, an action plan to improve fire prevention, to increase human and material resources and to reforest through sustainable management and planning.

Action Plan

  • Improve fire prevention: creation of a forest forecast (“météo des forêts”) in order to inform the general public on the forest fire hazard; launch of a new information campaign on the mandatory vegetation clearing; strengthening of the annual prevention campaign; renewal and simplification of Green Fund measures in 2024.
  • Strengthen the human and material resources of the fire and rescue services.
  • Reforest through sustainable management and planning:  announcement of the main objectives of the national reforesting programme with a  target of a billion trees planted within 10 years (by 2030) involving schools in the “1 young person, 1 tree” scheme.

The Law of 10 July 2023 relating to the fire risk also strengthened fire prevention and fighting measures: implementation of a national strategy to protect forests and non-woodland areas; strengthening, simplification and better communication on mandatory vegetation clearing;  land-use planning; ban on smoking in forests during the hazard period.

Checking the level of risk in your area

Forest weather report

Since June 2023, Météo-France has been broadcasting a forest forecast (“météo des forêts”) that indicates the level of fire danger in mainland France and Corsica. The information is based on the forecasts of several meteorological parameters that greatly impact the likelihood of fires starting and the speed at which they spread: rainfall, humidity, temperature, wind force and the extent of dryness of the vegetation.

The daily forest forecast is available at the end of each afternoon on the website meteofrance.com and via the Météo-France mobile app for the two days ahead. It takes the form of two maps, one for the following day, the other for the day after that. The level of fire danger is indicated for each French department, with 4 colour-coded levels: green for low risk, yellow for moderate risk, orange for high risk, and red for extreme risk.

The forest weather report does not give details of ongoing fires or those to come.

Consult Météo France

Consult meteo.data.gouv.fr

Let’s spread the word about responsible behaviour in 2024

The Ministry of the EcologicalTransition and Territorial Cohesion, the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas Regions and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty are jointly launching a two-stage communication campaign about fire prevention.

  • From mid-May to the beginning of September  2024, launch of the seventh national campaign for the prevention of wildfires, in order to widely encourage responsible behaviour to prevent such fires and protect against them
  • Then from autumn 2024 to winter 2025, a campaign on the topic of mandatory vegetation clearing, to raise awareness on this prevention measure among the French people concerned and compel them to comply, in the interests of their own safety and to preserve our forests.

Risk Toolbox

Teachers, educators, parents...: A Risk Toolbox provided by the Ministry of the Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion is at your disposal. It takes a fun approach to raising awareness about the natural risks most likely to affect mainland France, which are heavy rain, flooding and wildfire. 
To obtain further information about the fire-risk or flood-risk Toolbox, please send an email to the following address: boite-a-risques@developpement-durable.gouv.fr.

To find out more: Risk Toolbox (only in French)

The consequences of fire (only in French)

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