Human factors

Published on Thursday 13 July 2023

The human factor is an essential element to take into account for a flight, before, during and after, and this through several aspects: the fatigue risk, the human interactions, the incidents... Different analyses, studies and collections of data have been conducted in order to measure its impact in a concrete way.

Plan de Gestion de crise

La gestion d’évènements graves, de situations d’urgence ou de crises s’anticipe et s’appuie sur des organisations capables de s’adapter et de se reconfigurer rapidement.

Ce guide, produit par les groupes Maintenance et Hélicoptères du Réseau Sécurité Aérienne France (RSAF) est une synthèse de bonnes pratiques éprouvées par des entités participantes ayant fait récemment face à des crises majeures.

Organisé chronologiquement, il propose étape par étape des conseils allant de la gestion de l’effet de surprise, à la formation des personnels, en passant par la création d’une cellule de crise, la maitrise de la communication ou le retour d’expérience.

Ce guide s’adresse à l’ensemble des organisations aéronautiques. Sa diffusion constitue une opportunité pour rappeler l’importance des compétences techniques et non techniques qui accompagnent le développement des Facteurs organisationnels et humains (FOH).


Initiatives helping a better management of the COVID-19 crisis highlight an interest in sharing analyses and tools that can help the aeronautical community. You will find below documents whose general distribution has been accepted by their authors. The use of these documents is subject to the citation of the original source.

Etude PBN (Performance Based Navigation)

Des opérateurs ont fait part à la DSAC en 2017 d’un risque de descente prématurée en approches PBN ou autonomes. Afin d’en mesurer la portée, la DSAC a décidé de questionner les utilisateurs de ce type de procédures. Parmi eux, les membres du Réseau Sécurité des Vols France, dont 5 opérateurs avaient émis le souhait de contribuer à ces travaux.

Une étude de sécurité collective a donc été réalisée à l’initiative de la Mission Evaluation et Amélioration de la Sécurité de la DSAC. Elle a confirmé la menace que constituait la confusion possible entre le repère d’approche intermédiaire (IF), le point d’approche interrompue (MAPT) et le repère d’approche finale (FAF) ainsi que la non mise en valeur de ces points dans le cadre du cheminement banal sur les volets d’approches des fiches de percée.

Les résultats de cette étude font l’objet du document ci-dessous.

Ills in the air

Video "Ills in the air"

This video, produced by the French Civil Aviation Safety Directorate (DSAC), was created by the Human Factors Discussion Group (GRFH - Groupe de Réflexion facteurs Humains).

The full relevance of this film becomes apparent in the context of a Human Factors, CRM (Crew Resource Management) training course given by a CRM Trainer using this guide and after acceptance of the following user's charter.

Although based on actual events, this film is purely fictional, with aviation professionals performing their own roles. Some of the behaviours or attitudes may seem exaggerated, but they reflect the true behaviours or attitudes of the persons who experienced the actual event on which this video is based. The role they perform should in no way be interpreted as reflecting their own personality and/or their professional level.

You are asked to focus more specifically on observing the actions and behaviours of the representatives of the different specialisms so that you can discuss the way they interact and consider the efficiency level of the practices used. Finally, as an HF trainer, at the end of this video you are invited to examine the way in which the different participants handled this event.


Human Factors Trainer Guide "Ills in the air"

User's charter:

This guide is designed for Human Factors trainers in different specialisms as this inter-specialism video was created with the principal teaching aim of "understanding the work of others better understanding".

This guide is not strictly speaking course material; trainers wishing to use this video must build an associated course. This guide is a framework and is designed to prevent misinterpretation of the messages.

Each CRM Trainer or Human Factors Trainer is authorised to use this "Crosstalk" video media and the necessary associated HF TRAINER GUIDE, subject to acceptance of the following conditions:

  • During the introduction the participants are informed of the origin of this video media and of the teaching guide.
  • The elements developed in this HF TRAINER GUIDE and film are presented without modification.
  • These materials are only used for exchanges between aviation personnel and for training purposes to improve the collective promotion of aviation safety.
  • These materials are provided free and cannot be sold.
  • All broadcasting or distribution of this guide and video on networks and outside the framework of HF training for a dedicated group according to the conditions stipulated above is prohibited and could result in legal action.

Airspace Organisation

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